Spike Island (Bristol) Community Association
Latest from Bristol City Council Regeneration Team - updated 9th Feb 2025
We would like to have your feedback on the draft masterplan for Western Harbour between 11 February and 9 March 2025.
Following the period of public engagement completed in Autumn 2024, we're now nearly ready to share the draft masterplan for Western Harbour. This ambitious regeneration project will transform the westernmost end of Bristol's Floating Harbour into a vibrant and thriving area of the city. The area spans Cumberland Basin, Spike Island, Ashton Meadows, and the surrounding road network.
In response to the city's challenges, the plan proposes changes to the existing road network, a mix of new homes, flood defences that protect homes, business and infrastructure while also providing space for nature and recreation, better connections for cyclists and pedestrians to the rest of the city, and a diverse range of new uses.
During the Autumn we gathered opinions from the public and stakeholders, including local residents and community organisations, on initial ideas for how the area could be improved. Working with our technical experts and masterplanners, Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands, we have now considered all the feedback gathered, alongside the findings from technical surveys and research and developed detailed proposals that form the draft masterplan. Now we want to know what you think of these proposals.
Have your say and find out more:
View the proposals and complete a survey online from Tuesday 11 February to Sunday 9 March 2025 at www.harbourhopes.co.uk
Visit the exhibition at:
the Create Centre from 11 February to 5 March, during the centre's opening hours, or
Museum Square until 9 March
Meet the team and share your thoughts:
in person at Underfall Yard on Saturday 1 March between 10am and 4pm, or
join one of our online webinars on Wednesday 12 February or Tuesday 25 February (BSL interpreted) from 6.30 to 8pm (sign up via Have your say)
Your comments are important and will be carefully considered by the masterplan team as they finalise proposals. After a statutory consultation period we will then present the masterplan, shaped by your views and feedback, to the council's Economy and Skills Committee for consideration in Summer / Autumn 2025. As the project progresses and the proposals are further developed there will be more opportunities to tell us how you feel about the evolving masterplan.
If you require any of the materials in an alternative format please email hello@harbourhopes.co.uk or leave a message on 0117 922 4409.
Kind Regards,
The Regeneration Team, Bristol City Council